Cover Image for coming soon

Spectrum - Flutter app (WIP)


Spectrum is a fun, interactive app to play around with colors.

Available soon on the android play store!

Game modes

The app currently has 2 fully working game modes:

Guess the color: In this game mode you get to see a large field with a set background color. You need to try guess the right HEX or RGB color values.

Color match: Here you get the HEX and RGB value of a single color and you need to match it with on of the 4 given color squares.

How It's Made?

This app was made in Flutter using its own Dart language.

It was my first Flutter app so no special packages used except for the shared_preferences package i use to save the user high score on Color match.

For the UI i tried making it as simple as possible so the project wouldn't become too complicated for a first one.

What's to come?

As you can see in the title this project is still ongoing. I want this project to become my first "full" android app. With this i mean that i want to fully experience how it is to have an active app, market it and earn from it.

Therefore i want to add/do the following things before i publish:

  • Integrate analytics

  • Integrate small ad banner on the bottom of the app and a "premium" version without ads

  • Add a way to contact me for issues and (game mode) request

Of course both analytics and ads MUST be non invasive for the user.