PokeTypeTrainer: Master Pokémon Type Matchups!
PokeTypeTrainer is a Progressive Web App (PWA) that I developed to explore the capabilities of PWA technology. The app features a straightforward, engaging game where you are given a Pokémon type and need to determine which other types it is weak against, strong against, and immune to. After making your selections, you can check the results to see how accurate your choices were.
While the app currently consists of a single page and game loop, it has the potential for further development. As an MVP, I am quite satisfied with its current state!
Why PWA?
I had learned about Progressive Web Apps and their benefits but hadn't had the opportunity to create one myself. This project served as a simple and practical way to experiment with PWA implementation, and it turned out to be an ideal choice for this purpose.
If you're interested in testing your knowledge of Pokémon type matchups, give it a try! You can check it out Check it out here!